Posts tagged sundays
Sunday pot roast

I'm not exactly crushing my Fall Bucket List this year, and truth be told, I knew this would happen. I almost posted a sarcastic bucket list this year (containing things like "make a list of things revolving around pumpkins and apples and then actually do none of them") because for me, these things rarely actually happen. They all sound so good in early September, and then before I know it, it's December and I'm freezing and everything I do must require being wrapped in a blanket and/or snow suit...

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Beef braise with tomatoes, red wine, and garlic

As I've said before, Sundays are my favorite day to cook, but I really prefer the recipes to be of the low-and-slow-comfort-food variety, so that cooking feels leisurely and low key, especially in the winter. I made this dish on a freezing cold Sunday at about noon, and it had my apartment smelling like absolute heaven by 2:00. There is nothing on earth that smells like a red wine braise, especially with garlic, rosemary, and thyme. Oh my goodness.

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